Highly-trained, licensed, and experienced professionals, our Treatment Clinic team is dedicated to providing exceptional treatments with the best possible care. No matter if it’s your first treatment or one of many, our team will be with you every step of the way to advise, support and make sure you receive the best results possible.

Amanda Patterson - Amanda Jo PMU
Areola Artist/ Director
Amanda grew a passion for realism from a very early age and has a particular interest in Areola and medical tattooing. As a North East PMU Artist she uses her artist skills combines with her tattoo knowledge to create realistic 3D tattoos.
Amanda is the owner of Amanda Jo PMU Clinic in Wallsend. Visit our services page to see her complimentary dates.

Lucy Megan Jones - Strictly Beauty Clinic
Areola Artist/ Director
Lucy Megan Jones is the director of Strictly Clinic in Durham offering all aspects of PMU/ Medical tattooing and Aesthetics. Megan developed a passion for Areola realism tattooing in 2020 and loves to use her artistic skills to build women’s confidence.

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